Sunday, January 2, 2011

First Day in Liberia

So we finally arrived after a long, but relatively comfortable flight. Was only about 10 and a half hours to Accra, Ghana then 1 hour and 40 minutes to Monrovia. We then took about an hour drive to get to JFK Hospital. Everyone on the plane was very nice and Justin and I were able to switch our seats to sit next to each other. It's great to have him around-he's like the mayor of Monrovia and EVERYONE knows him! A guy even came up to him on the plane who was Liberian and shook his hand! Once we arrived and settled in he showed me around the area a bit and has been introducing me to everyone-it's like I'm already finding favor with people just by being associated with Justin-it's pretty cool! I've already started taking lots of photos and document everything-will upload them later. This is going to be a great trip-the drive into Monrovia was interesting too; lots of poverty-there is great work to be done here. Tomorrow will be my first day in the hospital-I hear they have a whole bunch of trauma patients who have been waiting our arrival....

1 comment:

  1. So glad you arrived safely! I know you will do great work there and you will be changed as well. What a wonderful experience - can't wait to see the pics!
