Due warning-this may be a long entry...
The past 24 hours have been great. Yesterday Justin and I woke up and rounded on our patients from that busy Friday. Everyone seemed to be doing ok-even the hand infection guy; I hope he turns the corner and doesn't need an amputation. We then headed downtown to the market to pick up a few souvenirs before Justin went off back to the states. We went to 2 spots that he was put on to when he first arrived here-there were so many cool things there that we picked up-I can't tell you guys what exactly they were; that would ruin the surprise ;-) These craftsmen are so talented-it's ridiculous! Downtown is so hectic! Cars and people selling stuff all over the place. There are no stop signs or traffic lights, so all motion and transit is just haphazard chaos!! Our driver is very good though-we have access to about 4-5 different drivers whenever we want to go somewhere. We just call and they pick us up and take us wherever we'd like to go-that's pretty convenient too. Afterwards we went over to Mamba Point where the US Embassy is located-there is a nice strip across the street where you can pick up some authentic African paintings. We came up!!! I got this big picture of an African island with a village on it and some boats in the water-it's great! And Justin picked up 2 really beautiful pieces as well. This stuff would go for hundreds of dollars back home, but we got the hook up!! I'll send pix whenever I can so you guys can see them. We also got some other little things there. You should've seen some of the vendors there-they get so hype for you to checkout their little spots. And alot of the local kids are following behind you as you're doing your 'window shopping.' Oh, and I haven't mentioned this yet-you guys should see how cool it is to see the people walking around with all kind of stuff balanced on their heads!! Baskets, boxes, clothes-it's quite impressive! They walk up hill, downhill, wherever...and the stuff doesn't even budge!!! Can't be good for your neck though...
After we did a whole bunch of shopping we stopped at this hotel to eat a nice lunch (many restaurants are located in the hotels here). Justin and I had a very nice conversation about our experiences and life, and we also shared our childhood relationships with our fathers, which was very interesting to say the least. We have much more in common than I realized...it was very nice to share with him like that. I know Justin very well, and after opening up more to each other today I feel much closer to him-I'm sure he shares the same sentiment..for those of you who may be missing my daily quotes I think now is an apropos time for one..
"Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him."
-Aldous Huxley
After a great lunch we headed back to the dorm to drop off our things and then we headed out to a very small and rural community to visit Justin's adopted daughter-Yama girl. She was a patient of his who was in the hospital for a very long time and had surgery. They became very close. She is so cute! Their family situation was extremely tough-there were like 9 people living in a super small house. When we finally got to the place where they lived, it was very remarkable. Everyday I'm reminded of how blessed I am to live this life, to eat the food I eat daily, wear the clothes on my back...I know many of you may have travelled before to third world countries and maybe have seen such poverty-maybe not. Whether you have or haven't, just think of how blessed you are to even be able to read this blog; let alone the electricity, computer, the air conditioned room that you're likely in and the clean air you're breathing, as well as the food or drink you may be holding onto at this very moment. How can we not be grateful?? These guys have a limited to almost no supply of that and yet they are extremely grateful. It's amazing how sometimes it's those with the very least who can reveal and teach so much to those with plenty.
Anyway, we spent a good bit of time with them and then headed back to Monrovia. We took naps before heading out to a birthday party with a friend. I saw a lot of the people who I've met over the past week and also new ones. It's amazing how fast word spreads that there is a new orthopaedic surgeon in Liberia. The food and company were great. They even were showing the NFL playoff games! We visited another birthday party after we left there-Liberians know how to party! I already know some of the words to a few of the most popular songs! We then went to a club-Embassy. It was a lot of fun! Most of the people who were at the birthday parties ended up there. The music was great, but the place was very smokey. I'm not used to that back home. Was still a good time though. Needless to say, Justin and I were beat after the day! When we finally got to bed we talked to each other some more as we were falling asleep-I felt like I was back in college again. Good times. One of the last things we were talking about was brunch the following day, and what to wear.....
So Her Excellency, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia, invited us to her home to have brunch with her!! Dude, I had brunch with the President of Liberia!!
Justin and I were picked up at our dorm and we headed over to the President's home with the head administrator of the hospital here. One of the Ministers was there also with his wife (I think the Minister of Foreign Relations, I forget). The place was gorgeous too! It's surreal sitting in the President's living room and talking to her like a normal person. The brunch was really good and we all were served very nicely. Glad I brought some dress clothes here. Can you guys imagine me up in the President's house in my sweats?!! lol! I'm sure I'll be seeing her again soon (that's what she told me anyways) when she travels again. After brunch she went to church and left us all there chatting-up in the Black House! LOL!
We hurried back to the dorm to change into our football gear. There's a big field where alot of the guys who I've met this week play American football every Sunday. Justin told me about it and today was my first day out there. It was so much fun!! You should see how many people come to watch us play-they don't see American football here so they're all so intrigued by the game! They were laughing and cheering with all of the plays. It's a great time! I'll be playing every Sunday that I'm here.
We had to cut the game short b/c Justin needed to get to the airport. Tie game. Again we hurried back to the hospital dorm to shower and change so Justin wouldn't be late. 2 of the vendors from Mamba Point actually brought some more paintings to the hospital b/c we were interested in seeing more. It was super cool of them to do that, knowing that we wouldn't have time to go all the way back down there before Justin leaving. He ended buying 2 more. I'll pick up some more before I leave. They're extremely beautiful.
I must say it was sad to see him leave. This week has been one I'll always remember. It's been one the best weekends I've had in a while. Now it's time to get back into work mode. I went to the hospital tonite to make sure things were in order-it's just me now. It's going to be a busy week. I feel well prepared for it though. I have 6 cases to get through tomorrow. Justin is in the air now, and I am here journaling about to turn in. I didn't want to go to bed without this entry. I'm sure I will have many more memorable entries, but this one thus far is my most significant...it's been an amazing 24 hours.
fantastic...love hearing about your tour..here at Mt Sinai, quiet night, the first is a long time...snow coming again on Tuesday night...i'm off so I won't get caught....give us a nod that you are getting our posts...I can only read yours...bring back some Liberian "stuff" hand made things....wish Im was there