Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Slow Day-Great Night!

Today was rather frustrating.  I arrived early to the OR for an 8am start.  Then 8:30 rolled around.  Then 9am came and went.  The patient finally gets to the operating theatre and then the staff notifies me that they can't find the equipment I need to do the surgery!  Needless to say we had to cancel the case...
Pretty light morning in the OR

The second patient was not stable for surgery.

And that was my morning.

I used the rest of the day to meet with the CMO of the hospital and chat about a few things.  I also was able to speak with the head nurse in the OR to make sure that we are as efficient as possible moving forward so as to optimize the time we have to work together.  I had to pick out my instrumentation specifically down to the screws that I'm going to use so that they can have it ready for tomorrow's cases.  Hoping that tomorrow is a better day for surgery.  I also met with one of the general surgeons Dr. Atem about what role I could play in the didactics of their surgical training and am scheduled to give some orthopaedic lectures during my time here.

The highlight of my day was dinner with old and new friends!  Masmina took me to this new place where we surprised my old friend Lydia who used to be a HEARRT coordinator.  She was so surprised and it was great to see her after all this time-she looks just the same as I remember!  We all sat and were chatting it up about life and having a great time.  Then Masmina's mom and her friend joined us along with the HEEART head coordinator Theresa.  It ended up being a great time with great friends and great laughs!! 

My old buddy Lydia looking great!!
Short entry today-going to try and get some rest for tomorrow and pray for a more productive and orderly day.


  1. I am sorry this day was not as 'productive' as it probably should have been---tomorrow must make up for that in a way,, just not two-fold. 'when is rains--it pours..' Always, love, moms.

  2. In L.I.B most anything can happen! I pray for a better day. So happy you enjoyed your evening! Much love ❤️ Momi

  3. ...Also great that you get to of your greatest teach! Gotta ❤️it!
